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Episode 105: Body Image

Writer's picture: mollyzemekmollyzemek


Body image isn’t just about what we think of ourselves. It also encompasses all the messages sent by society, advertising, media and even our friends and family. This episode of Weight Loss for Food-Lovers is pulling back the veil on all the influences shaping our thoughts – and what we can do to separate out from all that noise how we truly think and feel about our bodies.

Molly points out that the thoughts we have about our weight are completely optional. We don’t have to internalize shame or judgment, whether it comes from external sources or from the tapes playing in our own heads. We can alter our relationships with food, but not until we come into full understanding of the answers to questions like this:

o Why am I eating (especially if I’m not even hungry)?

o When I eat more than I want, what does it feel like and do I like the result?

o Do I like how my body feels holistically? Do I have the stamina and feelings of well-being that I desire?

o How’s my biofeedback? Am I sleeping well? Is my digestion good?

Within the answers to questions like these are clues to what you truly want for your body – not based on a social constructs or superficial definitions. We can wipe the slate clean and create new thoughts and feelings about our bodies.

It’s not always easy getting there, which is where coaching can be of so much help. The support acts as a kind of placeholder so that, even if we don’t fully love ourselves, we can still locate at least one small thing to appreciate about ourselves. Each step towards self-awareness and acknowledgement is part of a sustainable weight loss journey built on a fuller awareness of how we feel, what we think, what we want and why the desire is there. The only thing standing in our way is … our own readiness to begin!

Are the winter blahs getting you down? Would some one-on-one support help you stay on track for a fabulous spring? Coaching can provide a big boost. Click here to set up a free discovery call with Molly.

Would you like to know more about Molly’s Six Key Points for sustainable weight loss? Click here to download her guide and kick off your journey to authenticity!

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Topics Covered

· Wondering how you’re going to stay motivated and energized until spring? Molly encourages anyone who wants support to set up a free discovery call!

· Molly wants us to take a look at body image – consider how we feel about ourselves, what messages we’re exposed to and which we choose to accept.

· Internal Struggle: The pull to be thinner, lose weight, shed pounds. It’s what we believe we want but how much of it is internalized conceptions generated by advertisers and other outside influences?

· Internalized judgment about our bodies often morphs into shame, self-loathing or self-defeating rebellion.

· The thoughts that we have about our bodies are completely optional.

· It’s important to know what you truly want for your body and self, and ensure that it’s not stemming from external or self-imposed pressure.

· Questions to consider if you’re trying to figure out your relationship with food or body image:

o Why am I eating (especially if I’m not even hungry)?

o When I eat more than I want, what does it feel like and do I like the result?

o Do I like how my body feels holistically? Do I have the stamina and feelings of well-being that I desire?

o How’s my biofeedback? Am I sleeping well? Is my digestion good?

· There’s no reason ever for us to feel shame about our bodies, but work may be required to get there. That includes working through internal and external pressures to take ownership of our core beliefs and the results we want to create.

· If you believe that losing weight will make you worthier or that life will be better, it’s a misconception. Life is made up of all kinds of shades.

· Losing weight is so much easier when we come at it from a place of self-acceptance and love – a place that is hard to reach for people who are immersed in self-judgment and self-recrimination.

· If we do the work to step into self-love, it’s a critical bridge to organically reaching the weight that works best for us based on what we truly think, authentically feel and most deeply desire.

Key Quotes

“Most women have internalized this pressure from society that you should be thin and if you’re not then there’s a problem or you’re not attractive or there’s something wrong.”

“The work that I teach is learning how to build a rock-solid relationship with yourself and, from a place of self-confidence and commitment, feel a lot more motivated to take care of yourself and change.”

“There’s nothing wrong with wanting food. You can allow the desire, but you don’t need to rebel against yourself because part of the work is stepping into that desire and processing it.”

“Overeating is always a sign that you’re not staying connected to how you’re feeling in the moment.”

“You are fully acceptable just as you are right now. Your size and your weight do not determine your value or your worth. Ever!”

Links & Resources

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