Episode 49: How to Know if You're Ready
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Episode 49: How to Know if You're Ready


In this episode of the Weight Loss for Food-Lovers podcast, Molly takes on the recurring New Year’s diet dilemma that so many of us dread. Keto. Whole-30. My Fitness Pal. You name the fad. It’s that perennial rite: psyching up for a new food plan and all the attendant negative feelings of scarcity. Will it work or won’t it? Very often restrictive diets do the trick, until they don’t! Molly knows all about how it feels to follow the program, achieve desired results, then boomerang into self-congratulatory eating because … who can keep that kind of deprivation going?

Instead, with her online courses and hard-earned insights, Molly shares a different model that she has developed over time with her own trial and error. For starters, she no longer sabotages her best efforts by:

1) Failing to look at and understand the reasons behind her overeating.

2) Failing to pay attention to how she feels in her body – the physical sense of hunger and satiety.

3) Failing to identify and embrace her emotions, choosing instead to numb them with food.

Molly has figured out how to change her old patterns, and can show you how to do the same. She explains why she no longer has to start the new year off reluctantly getting back on a diet and wondering whether this time it will stick. She no longer condemns herself to a world of sacrifice and self-punishment. And she’s ready to help other food-lovers secure similar emotional and physical freedoms.

Are you ready get out from under false beliefs? Molly’s top four offenders are:

1) Since food plans have failed in the past, they are doomed to fail in the future. (Clue: Meaningful change is a real thing that can and does happen.)

2) This isn’t a good time for x, y or z reason. (Clue: If you can master good choices in a time of pandemic, you can run your ship no matter the circumstances!)

3) Without a perfect plan, failures and setbacks are inevitable. (Clue: Failures and setbacks are indeed inevitable and that doesn’t have to be a bad thing.)

4) Weight loss requires too much suffering; it’s unsustainable. (Clue: There are lessons to be learned and an alternative way of living that works.)

Molly shares her unique journey and the food-lovers’ meal plan framework she has developed. She no longer feels trapped by an untenable choice between her ideal weight and her delight in food. She no longer cycles between self-deprivation and over-indulgence. She has developed tools to untangle her relationship with food and establish an entirely new conversation. Are you ready to do the same? All that’s required is:

1) Openness to a new approach and willingness to do something different.

2) A sense of hope.

3) A belief that you deserve better for yourself

4) Physical and mental readiness to be done – to stop the perpetual tug-of-war between overeating and deprivation.

If the time has come to change your paradigm, join Molly. She will demonstrate a model for manageable, sustainable weight loss; the kind of weight loss that fits seamlessly into your plan not for the new year or the next decade, but for a lifetime.

To learn more, you can set up a free discovery call or sign up for one of Molly’s online courses here.

Topics Covered

· Announcements about Molly’s “Weight Loss for Food Lovers” course and her live master class.

· Asking the question: Are you ready to lose weight for good?

· Getting beyond the constant cycle of restriction and rebound weight gain.

· Learning how to enjoy the process of weight control. What a concept!

· Four false beliefs that may be blocking your path to weight loss.

· How Molly found her turning point.

· Are you ready for permanent weight loss? The journey begins with four fundamentals.

Key Quotes

· “I always started out in January just hoping that my struggle with weight loss would somehow magically disappear … and that I could be at my ideal size and still enjoy food.”

· “What I know about all the old diet approaches I’ve tried in the past is that they always felt like a struggle … and they always ended the same way.”

· “The more you waste your time trying things that don’t work, the more you prevent yourself from discovering the solution to long-term success.”

· “I didn’t want to feel deprived for the rest of my life just to be at the ideal size.”

· “I thought it just wasn’t possible for someone like me – who loves food as much as I do – to be able to be the weight I envision.”

· “You never know what’s possible to do until you do it.”

· “Just because it has not worked for you in the past does not mean that it won’t work for you in the future. I’m a living, breathing example of that.”

· “If you can figure out how to be in control of food (during pandemic) you can figure out how to control it any time.”

· “Setbacks and failures are part of the process of learning. Overeating and occasionally going off of your plan or giving into an urge is an opportunity to learn what’s going on in your brain and set yourself up for success the next time.”

· “That’s all weight loss is: One step after the other. And every step along the way you are re-solidifying your commitment.”

· “You can try the hating yourself thing; you can try punishing yourself to your goal weight. But I promise you will not keep it off.”

· “Maybe you’re tired of all of that mental chatter about food … knowing that your energy and your focus could be better used in other areas of your life, instead of just being distracted by food all the time.”

Links & Resources

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