Episode 95: Hidden Gems of Weight Loss
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Episode 95: Hidden Gems of Weight Loss


On this episode of Weight Loss for Food-Lovers, Molly unpacks the Hidden Gems of Weight Loss. She has seen time and again that her program is transformational in ways that go far beyond a number of the scale. The coaching journey she undertakes with her clients has embedded within it all kinds of gifts you might never have considered.

Molly outlines her Five Hidden Gems, offering examples and perspective on the many ways in which the process of weight loss extends to every aspect of our lives and how – if we stick with Molly’s step-by-step program – our lives will never be the same. Those five key ancillary benefits are:

  • #1 Less Brain Chatter

  • #2 Better Organization

  • #3 Turbo-Charged Energy

  • #4 Better Sleep

  • #5 Knowing Deeply Who You Are

That last Hidden Gem is key. If we undertake the hard work of uncovering who we are and what drives our thoughts and feeling, all kinds of doors begin to open. Being scrupulously honest with ourselves in the end reveals the biggest gift of all: The foundation for a joyful, authentic life!

If you’d like to kickstart your “Season of Me,” click here to learn more about Molly’s FREE 5-day live boot camp. This episode of Weight Loss for Food-Lovers offers

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Topics Covered

  • Molly’s clients generally find that weight loss itself is only one of many benefits they experience as a result of the work.

  • She has Five Hidden Gems – benefits beyond weight loss – she’d like to share:

  • #1 Less Brain Chatter!

    • The program reduce rumination around food choices, meal planning, debating snacks, endless negotiations and preoccupation. Many of Molly’s clients love the clarity around:

      • Food planning

      • Food preparation

      • Food choices

    • When you remove all the second-guessing and back and forth, your mind is freed up for all kinds of other imaginings and pursuits!

  • #2 Better Organization!

    • Meal planning forces us to sit down and be intentional.

    • Planning food choices makes us more aware of emotions that might otherwise be suppressed or buried. Among the most common: Overwhelm.

    • Going through the process of meal planning exposes both priorities and places where our resources are too thin or being unnecessarily spent.

  • #3 Turbo-Charged Energy!

    • By introducing nutritious, whole foods your body springs out of deprivation.

    • When you consume less, but more nutritionally dense food, your digestion is taxed less and conserves this primary energy resource.

    • Suddenly you’re not sluggish, you awaken fresh, your capacity to get things done grows exponentially.

    • Healthy food choices also reduce another source of wasted energy: Negative self-talk and shame. Your primitive brain’s default negative thinking gets unraveled and diffused.

  • #4 Better Sleep!

    • It’s during the highest quality, deep sleep that our bodies shift into peak fat-burning mode. Lousy sleep = sub-optimal fat-burning hours.

    • The cycle can be self-reinforced: The less you sleep the more you’re liable to make poor food choices that lead to even more troubled, inefficient sleep.

    • People working Molly’s program uniformly report sleeping more easily, more deeply and awakening more refreshed and energized.

    • Bonus: Many who work Molly’s program tend naturally to drink less alcohol, which in turn further improves their sleep.

  • #5 Knowing Deeply Who You Are!

    • Outward appearance may be the impetus for diet and weight loss, but results are about something more profound.

    • When we align our values and priorities around what we want for ourselves (and not mindless drivers such as overeating or overdrinking), it opens up space for understanding ourselves better.

    • Creating a food plan with Molly is about far more than setting limits and guidelines. It’s based in uncovering the feelings that drive us and the very individual, deeply personal goals we have for our lives.

    • Things that we would usually cover up with numbing strategies (like food or alcohol) are laid bare and demand our fullest attention.

    • The work can be intimidating and demand an unexpected degree of honesty, even fear. But those who stick with the program come out the other side of discovery with a deep sense of their authentic self.

  • Weight loss is wonderful. Wearing the clothes you want, feeling energized and clear-headed in every way is a revelation. But the ultimate prize, says Molly, is a rock-solid sense of self and authentic way of being in the world.

Key Quotes

  • “Weight loss itself is only one of the many, many benefits people experience from this work.”

  • “Most of my clients say that it’s just such a relief not to think about food so much, to have that mental energy available for other things in life.”

  • “When you’re able to put your time and focus into things other than food, your life expands dramatically.

  • “What’s at the heart of making decisions ahead of time about your food is, being very conscious and thoughtful about your time.”

  • “At the heart of being better organized with your time is being better organized with your thinking … (and) developing awareness around thoughts that lead us to overeat and sometimes overdrink.”

  • “More energy not only comes from the way that you eat … but also the way that you treat yourself.”

  • “It’s really easy to skip out on sleep and when you combine that with eating foods that don’t aid in your digestion and that don’t make you feel good, sleep is compromised even further.”

  • “Sometimes we think about weight loss as being such a superficial goal; as being something that only people who are vain or self-centered are really interested in. I push back against that.”

  • “In the absence of food and alcohol, things become very clear for what they are.”

  • “I have clients who are afraid of who they will be without overeating and overdrinking, who they will become, what their sense of identity will be. But what I have seen time and time again is that people who come out the other side of this process of transformation with weight loss feel so much more confident and empowered to live an authentic life.”

Links & Resources

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