Weight Loss for Food-Lovers with Molly Zemek
Episode- Choosing What to Believe
In this episode, Molly talks about the difficulty of maintaining a healthy eating protocol during the coronavirus pandemic. She begins by sharing her experience adjusting to a new normal, and how an uncertain situation led to a sense of panic and her desire to eat food to feel better.
Over the course of a few weeks, Molly found herself snacking, eating dessert regularly and consuming larger portions. As she began to feel sluggish and lose focus, she remembered how she felt before the virus began, and made a decision to reexamine her thoughts and how they were affecting her choices.
Molly realized that she had made a commitment to follow through. When she began her healthy eating protocol, she deliberately decided to take control over her mind and how it thinks about food. By adopting the phrase ‘I am committed,’ she was able to discard thoughts that weren’t serving her and redirect her life in an empowering way.
Topics Covered
- Finding a resolution in a challenging experience
- How unhelpful thoughts lead to increased cravings and dissatisfaction
- Why overeating always has a net-negative consequence
- Honoring your commitment to yourself by examining your mind
- Empowering yourself through choice
Key Quotes
“Look at every single problem, not actually as a problem, but as an opportunity. As a situation that can be turned into a solution. That there can be a resolution to any challenging experience.”
“I can’t emphasize enough how powerful it is to not only pay attention to the thoughts that aren’t serving you, but to deliberately choose new, empowering thoughts that you want to believe and to practice them.”
“I don’t need to feel bad or beat myself up for the times that I overeat. I just need to remember that I am committed to getting back on track.”
“One of the thoughts that I really love is ‘I’m figuring this out’ because it keeps your mind open to the possibility that this is all a work in progress. That there are going to be some days that are challenging. “
“Choose what you want to believe. Know that you always have control over your thoughts. You always are capable and able to make a decision in your best interest for your life.”
Links Mentioned
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