Weight-Loss for Food Lovers with Molly Zemek
Episode- My Story
In this episode, Molly shares the story of her lifelong passion for food, and how it ultimately led her to commitment to help others change.
She begins by describing two pictures, both from her first birthday. In one, she is staring at a cake and realizing it’s just for her. In the other, the cake has disappeared and she is covered in crumbs and frosting. They serve as a reminder of the role food played in her family and the growing importance it would have in her life. It’s why she became a chef.
Yet after she transitioned to staying at home, Molly laments that her habits didn’t change, but her body did. She started to put on weight and began to feel unwell. This led to a form of depression where she became dissatisfied, despite all of the good things around her.
That’s when she learned, with the help of a life coach, that dieting wasn’t a permanent solution. Change had to begin with her thoughts. Molly found that by adjusting her habits, she could make them work for her benefit and become the best version of herself. She concludes that others can find success in the same way.
Topics Covered
- How a childhood focused on food led to a lifelong love for eating
- Pursuing your passion as a career
- The freedom and difficulty of cooking on your own terms
- When habits become dangerous to your physical and mental health
- Changing your mindset to become the best version of yourself
Key Quotes
“All of these memories come with a remembrance of how things smelled, how things looked and how things tasted. A lot of my childhood is made up of these memories around food.”
“My true love was fine dining. Was being able to sit down and enjoy multiple courses paired with wine for hours on end. That, for me, was the epitome of pleasure”
“I remember the night that it just dawned on me that something had to change. I was sitting on the couch in our living room, and I was just starting out on my first glass of wine for the night. And I remember feeling just this sense of numbness. And it was a sense that I was familiar with because it was one of the main reasons I drank wine every night.”
“She said, ‘what if I could reduce your desire for food? What if I could take away your desire for alcohol, would you let me? Your problem with overeating, your problem with overdrinking, has nothing to do with food. It has nothing to do with wine. It has everything to do with your thoughts.’”
“Traditional diets that tell you to change what you eat, and tell you how much to exercise, are what I call a quick fix. They work. They help you lose the weight. But they don’t address the solution to the problem which is why you’re overeating in the first place.”
Links Mentioned
Reach out with questions and suggestions at Info@mollyzemek.com
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